Untold Stories
Si sciret paterfamilias qua hora fur uenturus esset; vigilaret utique et non sineret perfodi domum suam. Ure lauerd i þ;e godspel teacheð; us þ;urh abisne. hu we ahen wearliche to biwiten us seoluen wið; þ;e unwiht of helle. ant wið; his wrenches*. [MS. wern|ches.]. ?;ef þ;es lauerd*. [þ;e huse|bonde.] wiste he seið;. hwenne ant hwuch*. [i hwuch.] time. þ;e þ;eof walde cume to his hus; he walde wakien. ne nalde he nawt þ;olien þ;e þ;eof forte breoken hire. þ;is hus þ;e ure lauerð; spekeð; of; is seolf þ;e mon inwið; þ;e monnes wit. I þ;is hus. is þ;e huse lauerd. ant te fulitohe wif; mei beon wil ihaten. þ;at ga þ;e hus efter hire; ha diht hit al to wundre. bute wit ase lauerd chasti hire þ;e betere. ant bi neome hire muchel of*. [ofte of.] þ;at ha walde. ant tah walde al hire hird folhin hire ouer al; gef wit ne forbude ham. for alle hit*. [ha.] beoð; untohene. ant rechelese hinen; bute ?;ef he ham rihte. Ant hwucche beoð; þ;eos hinen; Summe beoð; wið; vten. ant summe wið; in nen. þ;eo*. [þ;eos.] wið; vten beoð;. þ;e monnes fif wittes. Sihð;e. ant herunge. smechunge. ant smeallunge. ant euch limes felunge. þ;eos beoð; hinen vnder wit. as under huse lauerd. ant hwer. se he is ?;emeles; nis hare nan þ;e ne feareð; ofte untoheliche. ant gulteð; ilome. oð;er ifol semblant; oder in vuel dede. In wið; beoð; his hinen. in se moni mislich þ;onc to cwemen wel þ;e husewif; a?;ein godes wille. ant swerieð; somet reað;liche. þ;at efter hire hit schal [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 76b] gan. þ;ah we hit ne here nawt; we*. [omitted.] mahen ifelen*. [MS. iþ;þ;len.] hare nurhð;*. [nurð;.]. ant hare untohe bere. a þ;et hit*. [wit.] cume forð;. ant ba wið; eie. ant wið; luue tuhte ham þ;e betere. Ne bið; neauer his hus for þ;eos hinen wel iwist. for hwon þ;at he slepe. oð;er ohwider*. [ohwider fare.] from hame. þ;at is hwen mon for?;et his wit. ant let ham iwurð;en. ah ne bihoueð; hit nawt. þ;at tis hus beo irobbet. for þ;er is inne þ;e tre[sur] þ;at godd ?;ef him seolf fore. þ;at is monnes sawle. forte breoke þ;is hus efter þ;is tresor. þ;at godd bohte mid his deað;. ant lette lif o rode; is moni þ;eof a buten ba bi dei ant bi niht. vnseheliche gasttes wið; alle unwreaste þ;eawes. ant a?;ein euch god þ;eaw. þ;e biwiteð; iþ;is hus godes deore castel*. [chatel.]. vnder wittes wissunge þ;at is huse lauerd. is eauer hire unþ;eaw forte sechen in ?;ong abute þ;e wahes to a murð;rin hire þ;rinne. þ;at heaued þ;rof is þ;e feont. þ;e meistreð; ham alle a?;eines him ant his keis. þ;e husebonde þ;at is wit. warneð; his hus þ;us. vre lauerd haueð; ileanett him froure*. [fowre.] of his dehtren. þ;at beoð; to vnderstonden þ;e fowr heaued þ;eawes. þ;e earste is warschipe icleopet. ant te oþ;er is ihaten gastelich strengð;e. ant te þ;ridde is meað;. rihtwisnesse þ;e feorð;e. Wit þ;e husbonde godes cunestable cleopeð; war [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 77a] schipe forð;. ant makið; hire durewart. þ;e war|liche loki hwam ha leote in ant ut. ant of feor bihalde alle þ;e cuminde. hwuch beo wurð;e in?;ong to habben; oð;er beon bistek|en þ;rute. Strengð;e stont nest hire. þ;at ?;ef ei wule in; war|schipes*. [omitted.] vn þ;onkes. warni strengð;e fore. þ;at is hire suster; ant heo hit ut warpe. þ;e þ;ridde suster þ;at is meað;. hire he makeð; meistre ouer his willesfule hirð;*. [hinen.] þ;at we ear of speken. þ;at ha leare ham mete*. [me ð;e.]. þ;at me*. [omitted.] meosure hat. þ;e middel of twa uueles*. [þ;ing.]. for þ;at is þ;eaw in euch stude ant tuht forte halden. ant hateð; ham alle þ;at nan of ham a?;ein hire; nohwer wid vnmeoð;; ne ga ouer mete. þ;e feorð;e suster rihtwisnesse. sit on hest as deme*. [demere.]. ant beateð; þ;eo þ;e a?;ulteð;. ant cruneð; þ;eo þ;e wel doð;. ant demeð; euchan his dom efter his rihte. for dret*. [dred.] of hire nimeð; his*. [þ;is.] hirð; euch*. [omitted.] efter þ;at he is warde to*. [omitted.] witene*. [omitted.]. þ;e ehnen hare. þ;e muð; his. þ;e earen hare. þ;e hondon hare. ant euch*. [euchan.] alswa*. [al swa as.] of þ;e oþ;re wit*. [wið; þ; wit.] þ;at onont him ne schal nan un-þ;eaw cumen iN. As þ;is is ido þ;us. ant is al stille þ;rinne; warschipe þ;at á;á; is waker is offearet lest sum for truste him. ant feole o slepe. ant for?;eme his warde. ant send ham. in a sonde. þ;at ha wel cnaweð;. of feorren icumen. forte offearen þ;eo þ;e beoð; [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 77b] ouer hardi. ant þ;eo þ;e ?;eme|lese beoð;; halden ham wakere. he is underuon in. ant swið;e bihalden of ham alle. for lonc he is. ant leane*. [feier has been erased before leane.]. ant his leor deað;lich. ant blac ant elheowet. ant euch her þ;uncheð; þ;at stont in his heaued up*. [euh er in his heauet þ;uncheð; þ;at stont up.]; warschipe hat him tellen*. [to telle.] biuoren*. [biuoren ham.] hwet he beo ant hweonene he comme ant hwet he þ;er seche. Ne mei ich he seið;. nohwer speoken. bute ich habbe god lust; lustnið; me þ;enne. fearlac ich hatte. ant am deað;es sonde. ant deað;es munegunge ant am icumen biuore hire to warnin ow of hire cume. warschipe þ;at best con bisetten hire wordes. ant ec hire werkes; spekeð; for ham alle. ant freineð; hweonene he cume. ant hwuch hird ha leade. fearlac hire ontswereð;. Ich nat nawt þ;e time; for ha ne seide hit me nawt ah eauer lokið; hwenne. for hire wune is to cumen bi stale ferliche ant un|mundlunge hwen me least weneð;. of hire hird þ;at tu easkest Ich þ;e ondswerie. ha lihteð; hwer se ha eauer kimeð; wið; a þ;usent deoflen. ant euch an bereð; a gret boc al of sunnen iwriten wið; swarte smeale leattres. ant an unrude raketehe gled read of fure. forte binden ant to drahen in to in warde helle. hwuch se he mei preoouin þ;urh his boc þ;at is on euch sunne enbre [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 78a] uedt*. [ibreuet.]. þ;at he wið; wil. oð;er wið; word. oð;er wið; werc. wrahtte in al his lif sið;e. bute þ;at he haueð; i-bet earþ;on wið; soð; schrift. ant wið;*. [oð;er.] deadbote. ant warschipe hire easkeð;. Hweonene*. [hweonne.] cumest tu*. [MS. to.] fearlac deað;es*. [þ;u deað;es.] munegunge. Ich cume he seið; of helle. Of helle ha seið; warschipe. ant hauest tu isehen helle; ?;e seið; fearlac witerliche. ofte. ant ilome. Nu seið; þ;enne warschipe for þ;i trowð;e treoweliche tele us hwuch is helle. ant hwet tu hauest isehen þ;rin. ant ich he seið; fearlac omi trewð;e bluð;eliche. nawt tah efter þ;at hit is. for þ;at ne mei na tunge tellen*. [omitted.]. ah efter þ;at ich mei ant con; þ;er towart ich chulle readien*. [rodien.]. Helle is [wid] wið; ute met. ant deop wið; ute grunde. ful of brune uneuenlich*. [unwerilich.]. for ne mei nan eorð;lich fur euenin þ;er towart. ful of stench unþ;ole|lich. for ne mahte in eorð;e na cwic þ;inge hit þ;olien. ful of sorhe untalelich. for ne mei na muð; for wrecchedom ne for wa; rikenin hit*. [omitted.] ne tellen. Se*. [so.] þ;icke is þ;rinne þ;e þ;osternesse; þ;at me*. [omitted.] hire mei grapin. for þ;at fur. ne ?;eueð; na liht. ah blent ham þ;e ehnen. þ;e þ;er beoð; wið; a smorð;rinde smoke smeche forcuð;est. ant tah iþ;at ilke swarte þ;eosternesse swarte þ;inges ha iseoð; as deoflen þ;at ham meallið; ant derueð; á;á; ant dreccheð; wið; alles cunnes pinen. ant iteilede draken grisliche ase*. [as þ;e.] deoflen þ;e forswolheð; ham ihal. ant speoweð; ham [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 78b] eft ut biuoren ant bihinden. oð;er hwile torendeð; ham ant to cheoweð; ham euch greot. ant heo eft iwurð;eð; hal. to a swuch bale bute bote. as ha ear weren. ant ful wel ha i seoð; ham to grisle ant to grure. ant to echen hare pine. þ;e lað;e helle wurmes. tadden ant froggen. þ;e freoteð; ham ut te ehnen. ant te nease. gristles. ant snikeð; in. ant ut neddren. ant eauraskes*. [eaureskes.]. nawt ilich þ;eose her; ah*. [an.] hundret sið;e grisluker et muð;. ant et earen. ed ehnen. ant ed neauele. ant ed te breoste holke as meað;en*. [me deð;.] iforrotet flesch eauergete þ;ickest. þ;er is remunge*. [MS. ren|ninge.] iþ;e brune. ant toð;es hechelunge iþ;e snawi weattres. ferliche ha flutteð; from þ;e heate; in*. [omitted.] to þ;e chele. Ne*. [omitted.] neauer nuten ha of þ;eos twa; hweð;er ham þ;uncheð; wurse. for eið;er is unþ;olelich. ant iþ;is ferliche mong þ;e leatere þ;urh þ;e earre derueð; þ;e mare. þ;at fur ham forbearneð; al to colen calde. þ;at pich ham forwalleð; að;et ha beon for mealte. ant eft acwikieð;*. [acwick|eneð;.] anan to drehen al þ;at ilke; ant muchedeale wurse á; wið; uten ende. Ant tis ilke unhope is ham meast pine. þ;at nan naueð; neauer mare hope*. [omitted.] of*. [omitted.] nan a couerunge. Ah*. [ah aa.] aren sikere of euch uuel to þ;urh leasten iwa from world in to worlde á;á; on echnesse. Euch aþ;rusmeð; oð;er. ant euch is oð;res pine. Ant euchan heateð; oð;er. ant him seoluen as [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 79a] þ;e blake deouel. ant eauer se ha i þ;is world luueden ham mare; se ha þ;er heatieð; ham swið;ere. ant eið;er curseð; oð;er. ant fret of þ;e oð;res earen*. [oderes earm. earen.]. ant te*. [omitted.] nease alswa. Ich habbe bigunne to*. [forto.] tellen of þ;ing þ;at ich ne mahte nawt bringe to eni ende. þ;ah ich hefde a þ;usent tungen of stele ant talde að;et ha weren alle forwerede. Ah þ;encheð; nu her*. [hwer.] þ;urh hwuch þ;e measte pine beo; for þ;e leaste pine is se heard þ;at hefde a mon i slein ba mi feader. ant mi moder ant al þ;e*. [omitted.] ende of*. [omitted.] mi cun. ant i do me seoluen al þ;e scheome ant te hearm þ;at cwic mon mahte þ;olien. ant ich isehe þ;es mon i þ;e ilke*. [omitted.] leaste pine. þ;at ich*. [omitted.] iseh in helle; Ich walde ?;ef hit mahte beon. þ;olien a þ;usent deað;es to a rudden him ut þ;rof. swa is þ;e sihð;e grislich ant reowð;ful to bihalden. for*. [omitted.] þ;ah neauer nere nan oð;er pine bute to i seon eauer þ;e unseli gastes. ant hare grisliche schape. biseon on hare grimfule. ant grurefule nebbes. ant heren hare rarunge. ant hu ha wið; hokeres edwiteð; ant up breideð; euch an his sunnen. þ;is*. [wið;.] schenð;lac ant te grure of ham were unimete pine; ant hure þ;olien ant a beoren hare unirude*. [unrude.] duntes wið; mealles istelet. ant wið; hare eawles gled reade hare dustlunges. as þ;ah hit were a pilche clut euchan towart oð;er imisliche pinen. O helle deað;es hus. wununge of wanunge. of grure ant of granunge. heatel [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 79b] ham. ant heard wan. of alle wontreað;es. buri of bale. ant bold of eauer euch bitternesse*. [bold eauer euch bitter|nesse is of.]. þ;u lað;est lont of alle. þ;u dorc stude ifullet of alle dreorinesses. Ich cwakie of grisle*. [grissen.]. ant of grure. ant euch ban schokeð;*. [sorheð;.] me. ant euch her me rueð;*. [runeð; (or ruueð;).] up of*. [for.] þ;i munegunge. for nis þ;er na steuene bituhhe þ;e fordemde bute wumme. ant wa is me. and wa beo þ;e. ant wa beo þ;e. wa ha ?;eieð;. ant wa ha habbeð; ne of al þ;at eauer wa is; ne schal ham neauer wontin. þ;e swuch wununge of earneð;. for ei hwilinde blisse her o þ;isse worlde; wel were him ?;ef*. [omitted.] þ;at he neauer ibore nere. bi þ;is ?;e mahen sumdel witen hwuch is helle. for i wis ich habbe þ;rin isehen a þ;usent sið;e wurse. ant from þ;eonne kimeð; deað; wið; a þ;usent deoflen hiderwart as ich seide. ant ich*. [omitted.] com þ;us quoð; fearlac forte warnin ow fore; ant tellen ow þ;eos*. [o is blotted or erased.] tidinges. Nv lauerd godd quoð; warschipe wardi us ant werie. ant rihte us. ant reade hwet us beo to donne. ant we beon þ;e*. [omitted.] warre ant wakere to witen us on euch half under godes wengen. ?;ef we wel werieð; ant witeð; ure hus ant godes deore tresor þ;at he haueð; bitaht us; cume deað; hwen he wule*. [ha eauer wule.] Ne þ;urue we nowð;er beon of dred for hire. ne for helle. for ure deað; bið; deore godd ant in-?;ong in to heouene. of þ;eos fikelinde world; ne of hire false*. [fahe.] blisse: ne neome we neauer ?;eme. for al þ;at is on eorð;e. nis bute as a schadewe; for al wurð;eð;*. [wurcheð;.] [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 80a] to noht bute þ;at deore tresor godes deorewurð;e feh þ;at is us. bitaht to witene. Ich habbe þ;eruore sar care for ich iseo seið; warschipe hu þ;e unwhiht wið; his ferd ase liun iburst. ?;eað;*. [geð;.] abuten ure hus sechinde*. [sechinde in ?;ong.] ?;eorn|liche hu he hit forswolhe. ant tis ich mei seið; warschipe warnin ow of his lað; ant for his wrenches. ah ich ne mei nawt a?;eines his strengð;e. Do nu quoð; strengð;e. warschipe suster þ;at te limpet to þ;e ant warne us of his wiheles. for*. [from for to nawiht omitted.] of al his strengð;e ne drede we nawiht. for nis his strengð;e noht wurð; bute hwer se he ifindeð; eð;eliche. ant wake unwarnede of treowe bileaue. þ;e apostle seið;. Etstont. þ;en feont. ant he flið; anan riht. schulde we þ;enne fleon him; ?;enis godd ure scheld. ant alle beoð; ure wepnen of his deore grace. ant godd is on*. [on ont.] ure half. ant stont bi us ifehte. ?;ef he schute towart me wið; weole ant wunne of þ;e world. wið; este of flesches lustes. of þ;ulliche nesche wepnen ich mahte carien summes weis. ah ne mei me na þ;ing heardes offearen. ne nowcin. ne na wone*. [MS. wode.] falsi min heorte ne wursi mi bileaue towart him þ;at ?;eueð; me alle mine strengð;en. For ba me ah. quoð; meað;. ant for heart*. [hard.] of nowcin. ant for wone of wunne dreden. ant carien for moni for to muchel heard of wa þ;at he dreheð;. for?;et ure lauerd. ant ma þ;ah for nesche ant for flesches licunge for [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 80b] ?;emeð; ham ofte. bituhhen heard ant nesche. bituhhe wa of þ;is world ant to muche wunne. bituhhe muchel ant lutel is in euch worldlich þ;ing þ;e middel wei ?;uldene. ?;ef we hire haldeð; þ;enne gawe sikerliche ne þ;erf us nowð;er for deað; ne for deouel dreden. hwet se beo of heardes ne drede ich nawiht nesches for ne mei na wunne. ne na flesches licunge ne*. [ne of.] licomlich este bringe me ouer þ;e midel of mesure. ant of mete. Riht|wissnesse spekeð; nu. Mi suster ha seið; warschipe þ;e haueð; wit. ant schad bituhhe god. ant uuel. ant wat hwet is in euch þ;ing to cheosen ant to schunien; readeð; us ant leareð; forte ?;eme lutel alle fallinde þ;ing. ant witen warliche þ;eo þ;e schulen á; lesten. ant seið; as ha soð; seið; þ;at þ;urh unweotenesse*. [unwit|nesse.] ne mei ha nawt sunegin. ant tah nis nawt siker of þ;e unwihtes strengde as þ;eo þ;e halt hire wac þ;ah ha beo muche wurð;. ant*. [to.] ure alre ehnen demeð; hire unmihti onont hire seoluen to etstonden wið; his. turnes ant deð; ase þ;e wise. Mi suster strengð;e is swið;e bald. ant seið; þ;at*. [þ;at ha.] nawiht heardes ne mei hire offearen. ah þ;ah ha ne trust nawt on hire ahne wepnen; ah deð; o godes grace ant þ;at ich demi riht ant wisdom to donne. Mi þ;ridde suster meað; spekeð; of þ;e middel sti. bituhhe riht ant luft þ;at lut cunnen halden. [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 81a] ant seið; i nesche ha is bald. ant heard mei hire offearen. ant for þ;i ne ?;elpeð; ha of na sikernesse ant deð; as þ;e wise. Mi meoster is to do riht forte demen ant*. [to don riht ant riht fon ant demen.] ich deme me seolf þ;at ich þ;urh me ne do hit nawt; for al þ;at god is of godd þ;at we her habbeð;. Nu is riht þ;enne þ;at we demen us seolf eauer unmihtie to werien ant to witen us oð;er ei god to halden wið; ute godes helpe. þ;e rihtwise godd wule þ;at we demen us seolf eð;eliche ant lahe. Ne beo we neauer swucche; for þ;enne demeð; he us muche wurð;. ant gode ant halt for his dehtren. for þ;ah mi forme suster war beo of euch uuel. ant min oð;er strong beo to ?;eines euch nowcin; ant mi þ;ridde meað;ful in alles cunnes estes; ant ich do riht ant deme. bute we wið; al þ;is milde beon ant meoke; ant halden us wake. godd mei mid rihte fordemen us of al þ;is þ;urh ure prude. ant for þ;i is riht dom þ;et we al ure god þ;onkin him ane. Wiit þ;e husebonde godes cunestable hereð; alle hare sahen ant þ;onkeð; god ?;eorne wið; swið;e glead heorte of se riche lane as beoð; þ;eos sustren his fowr dehtren þ;at he haueð; ileanet him on helpe forte wite wel ant werien his castel. ant godes deorewurð;e feh. þ;at is biloke þ;rinne. þ;e willesfule husewif halt hire al stille. ant*. [þ;a] al þ;at hird þ;at ha wes i wunet to dreaien*. [dreien.] efter hire; turneð; [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 81b] ham treowliliche to wit hare lauerd. ant to þ;eos fowr sustren. Vmben ane stunde spekeð; eft warschipe. ant seið; ich iseo a sonde cumen swide gledd icheret. feier ant freolich ant leofliche aturnet. let him in seið; wit ?;ef godd wule he bringeð; us gleade tidinges. ant þ;at us were muche neod. for fearlac deað;es sonde haueð; wið; his; offearet us swið;e mid alle. warschipe let him in. ant he gret wit þ;en lauerd. ant al þ;at*. [his.] hird seoð;en. wið; lahhinde chere. ant ha ?;eldeð; him his gretunge. ant beoð; alle ilihtet ant igleadet ham þ;uncheð; of his on-sihð;e. for al þ;at hus schineð;. ant schimmeð; of his leome. he easkeð; ham*. [omitted.] ?;ef ham biluueð; to heren him ane hwile. ?;e quoð; ha rihtwisnesse. wel us biluueð; hit. ant wel is riht þ;at we þ;e lið;eliche lustnin. Hercnið; nu þ;enne he seið;. ant ?;eornliche understondeð;. [I]ch am murð;es sonde. ant munegunge*. [munege.] of eche lif. ant liues luue i haten ant cume riht from heouene þ;at ich habbe isehen nu ant ofte ear þ;e blisse þ;at na monnes tunge ne mei of tellen. þ;e iblescede godd iseh ow offruhte. ant sumdel drupnin*. [durcnin.] of þ;at fearlac talde of deað;. ant of helle. ant sende me to gleadien ow. nawt for þ;i þ;at hit ne beo al soð; þ;at he seide. ant þ;at schulen alle uuele fondin. ant ifinden. Ah ?;e wið; þ;e fulst of godd ne þ;urue na þ;ing dreden for he sit on [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 82a] heh þ;at is ow on helpe. ant is al wealdent þ;at haueð; ow to witene. A seið; warschipe welcume liues. luue. ant for þ;e luue of godd seolf ?;ef þ;u eauer sehe him; tele us sumhwet of him. ant of his eche blisse. ?;e iseoð; quod liues luue; Murhdes sonde. Ich habbe isehen him ofte nawt tah alswa as he is; for a?;ein þ;e brihtnesse ant te liht of his leor. þ;e sunne gleam is dosc. ant þ;uncheð; aschadewe*. [þ;uncheð; dosc. ant as aschadewe.]. ant for þ;i ne mahte ich nawt a?;ein þ;e leome of his wlite lokin ne bihalden; bute þ;urh a schene schawere*. [schadewe.] bituhhe me ant him þ;at schilde mine ehnen. Swa ich habbe ofte isehen þ;e*. [him. þ;e.] hali þ;rumnesse*. [or þ;run|nesse.]. feader ant sune. ant hali gast. þ;reo an unto-dealet. ah lutle hwile ich mahte þ;olie þ;e leome. ah summes weis ich mahte bi|halden ure lauerd ihesu crist godes sune þ;at bohte us o rode. Hu he sit blisful*. [wunderful.] on his feader riht half þ;at is al wealdent rixleð; i þ;at eche*. [riche.] lif bute linnunge. se unimete feier; þ;at te engles ne beoð; neauer ful on him to bihalden. ant ?;et ich iseh etscene*. [?;et is eð;sene.] þ;e studen of his wunden. ant hu he schaweð; ham his feader to cuð;en hu he luuede us ant hu he wes buhsum to him þ;e sende him swa to alesen us ant bisecheð; him a for moncunnes heale. Efter him ich iseh on heh ouer alle heouenliche þ;e eadi meiden his*. [ant.] moder marie i-nempnet sitten in [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 82b] a trone se swið;e briht wid ?;immes i-stirret. ant hire wlite se weoleful*. [meinful.]. þ;at euch eorð;lich liht; is þ;eoster þ;e[r] o ?;eines. þ;ear ich iseh as ha bit hire deore wurð;e sune se ?;eornliche. ant se inwardliche for þ;eo þ;at hire seruið;. ant he hire ?;etteð; blideliche al þ;at ha bi secheð;. þ;et liht þ;a ich ne mahte lengre þ;olien*. [na mare of hire iþ;olien.]; Ich biseh to þ;e engles ant to þ;e archangles ant to þ;e oð;re; þ;e beoð; buuen ham. iblescede*. [iblesce.] gastes þ;e beoð; a biuore godd ant seruið; him eauer. ant singeð; a unwer?;eð;. Nihe wordes þ;er beoð;. ah*. [ant.] hu ha beoð; i-ordret ant sunderliche isette. þ;e an buue þ;e oð;re. ant euchanes meoster were long to tellen. Se muche murhð;e ich hefde on hare on sihð;e; þ;at ne mahte ich longe hwile elles hwider lokin. Efter ham ich iseh towart te patriarches. ant te prophetes þ;e makied swuch murhð;e þ;at ha aren nuð;e i þ;at ilke lont of blisse þ;at ha hefden of feor igret ear*. [igreið;et.] on eorð;e ant seoð; nu al þ;at isoð;et. þ;at ha hefden longe ear icwiddet of ure lauerd as he hefde ischawed ham igastelich sihð;e. Ich iseh þ;e apostles poure*. [þ;at poure weren.]. ant lah on eorð;e. ifullet ant bi?;oten al of unimete blisse sitten i trones. ant al under hare uet þ;at heh is i þ;e worlde. ?;arowe forte demen i þ;e dei of dome kinges ant keiseres. ant alle cunreadnes*. [cunredes.] of alle cunnes ledenes. [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 83a] Ich biheolt te Martyrs. ant hare unimete murhð;e þ;e þ;oleden her pinen. ant deað; for ure lauerd. ant liht|liche talden to alles cunnes neowcins. ant eorð;liche tintreohen a?;eines þ;e blisse þ;at godd in hare heorte schawede ham to cumene. Efter ham ich biheolt þ;e cunfessurs hird þ;e liueden igod lif. ant haliche deiden. þ;e schineð; as doð; steorren iþ;e eche blissen. ant seoð;*. [iseoð;.] godd in his wlite þ;at haueð; alle teares iwipet of hare ehnen. Ich iseh þ;at schene. ant þ;at brihte ferreden of þ;e eadi meidnes ilikest towart engles. ant feolohlukest wið; ham blissin ant gleadien. þ;e libbinde iflesche ouergað; flesches lahe ant ouercumeð; cunde þ;e leadeð; heouenlich lif in eorð;e as ha wunieð; hare murhð;e. ant hare blisse. þ;e feierlec of hare wlite. þ;e swetnesse of hare song; ne mei na tunge tellen. Alle ha singeð; þ;e*. [from þ;e to singen omit|ted.] þ;er beoð;. Ah hare song ne mahe nane buten heo singen. Se swote smal ham folheð; hwider se ha wendeð;. þ;at me mahte libben aa bi þ;e swot|nesse. hwam se heo bisecheð; fore; is sikerliche iborhen. for a?;ein hare bisocnen; godd him seolf ariseð; þ;at alle þ;e oð;re halhen*. [he walden.] sittende ihereð;. Swið;e wel quoð; warschipe likeð; us þ;at tu seist. Ah nu þ;u hauest se wel iseið; of euch a*. [euchan to.] setnesse; of þ;e seli sunder-lepes sumhwet sei us nu hwuch blisse is to alle iliche meane; ant liues luue hire ondswereð;. [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 83b] þ;e imeane blisse is seouenfald. lengð;e of lif. wit. ant luue. ant of þ;e luue a gleadunge. wið;-ute met murie. loft song. ant lihtschipe. ant sikernesse. is þ;e seoueð;e. þ;ah ich þ;is seið; warschipe sumdel understonde; þ;u most unwreo þ;is witerluker ant openin to þ;eos oð;re. ant hit schal beon seið; liues luue warschipe as þ;u wilnest. Ha liuieð; á; in awlite. þ;at is brihtre seoueualð;. ant schenre þ;en þ;e sunne. ant eauer in a strengð;e to don buten euch swinc al þ;at ha wulleð;. ant eauer mare in a steal in al þ;at eauer god is wið; ute wonunge. wið; uten euch þ;ing þ;at mahe hearmin*. [hearm.] oð;er eilin. in al þ;at eauer is. softe oð;er swote. ant hare lif is godes sihð;e. ant godes . . . . . *. [a word erased here in MS.] cnawlechunge as ure lauerd seide. þ;at is quod he*. [he seið;.] eche lif to seon ant cnawen sod godd. ant him þ;at he sende ihesu crist ure lauerd to ure alesnesse ant beoð; for þ;i ilich him iþ;e ilke wlite þ;at he is. for ha seoð; him as he is. nebbe to nebbe. Ha beoð; se wise þ;at ha witen alle godes reades. his runes ant his domes*. [godes runes. ant his reades.] þ;e derne beoð;. ant deopre þ;en eni sea dingle. ha seoð; igodd alle þ;ing. ant witen of al þ;at is ant wes ant eauer schal iwurden. hwet hit beo. hwi. ant hwerto ant hwer of hit bigunne*. [biginne.]. Ha luuieð; god wið; ute met. for þ;at ha understondeð; hu he haueð; bi ham idon þ;urh his muchele godlec ant hwet ha ahen his deorewurde milce to ?;elden. ant euch an luueð; oð;er ase muchel as him seoluen. Se gleade ha beoð; of godd; þ;at al is hare blisse. se muchel [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 84a] þ;at ne mei hit munne na muð;. ne spealie na speche for þ;i þ;at euchan luueð; oð;er as him seoluen. Euchan haueð; of odres god ase muche murhð;e as of his ahne*. [as him seoluen.]. bi þ;is ?;e mahen seon ant witen. þ;at euchan haueð; sunderlepes ase feole glead|schipes; as ha beod monie alle. ant euch of þ;e ilke gleadschipes is*. [beoð;.] to eauer euch an ase muche gleadunge; as his ahne sunderliche. ?;et ouer al þ;is. hwen euchan luueð; godd mare þ;en him seoluen. ant þ;en alle þ;e odre; mare he gleadeð; of godd wið; uten ei et|lunge*. [ei eilung.] þ;en of his ahne gleadunge. ant of alle þ;e oð;res. Neomeð; nu þ;enne ?;eme ?;ef neauer anes heorte ne mei in hire [und]*. [MS. torn.] eruon hire ahne gleadunge sunderliche [iseide. so unim] ete muchel is þ;e*. [þ;en.] anlepi blisse. þ;at ha nimeð; i[n] hi[re] þ;us monie. ant þ;us muchele. for þ;i seide ure lauerd to þ;eo þ;e him hefden ic|wemet. Intra in gaudium. et cetera. Ga quoð; he in to þ;i lauerdes blisse*. [hus.]. þ;u most al gan þ;rin. ant al beon bigotten þ;rin for in þ;e ne mei hit nanesweis*. [o nane wise.] neomen in. her of ha herieð; godd ant singeð; á; un werget eauer iliche lusti in þ;is loft songes. as hit iwriten is. Beati qui habitant. et cetera. Eadi beoð; þ;eo lauerd. þ;e iþ;in*. [in þ;is.] hus wunieð; ha schulen herien þ;e from [worlde into worlde]. Ha beoð; alle ase li[hte ant as swifte as þ;e sunne] gleam þ;e sc[heot from est into west. ase þ;in] [Bodleian MS. 34 folio 84b] ehe-lid tuneð; ant openeð; for hwer se eauer þ;e gast wule þ;e bodi is anan riht wið; ute lettunge. for ne mei ham na þ;ing a?;eines etstonden. for euch an is al*. [as.] mihti to don al þ;at he wule. ?;e makie to cwakien heouene ba ant eorð;e wið; his an finger. Sikere ha beoð; of al þ;is of þ;ulli lif. of þ;ulli wit. of þ;ulli luue ant*. [a.] gleadunge þ;rof. ant of þ;ulli blisse. þ;at hit ne me neauer mare lutlin ne wursin. ne neome nan ende. þ;is lutle ich habbe iseid of þ;at ich iseh in heouene ah nower neh ne neh ich al. ne þ;at ?;et þ;at ich [iseh. ne] ne con ich half*. [al.] tellen. Witer|[liche quoð;] warschipe. wel we understondeð; þ;at tu hauest ibeo þ;ear ant soð; hauest iseid trof. efter þ;i sihð;e. ant wel is him þ;at is war. ant bisið; him hu he mahe beast halden his hus þ;at godes tresor is in a?;eines godes unwine þ;e weorreð; þ;er towart a wið; unþ;eawes. for þ;et. schal bringen him þ;ider as he schal. al þ;is þ;at tu hauest ispeken of an*. [ant.] hundret sið;e mare of blisse buten euch bale*. [wið; uten balesið;.] folhin ant ifinden. Quoð; strengð;e hwen hit swa is; hwet mei tweamen us from godd ant hald[en us þ;eonne. ih] am siker ine godd. [þ;at ne schal lif ne deð;; ne wa] ne wunne nowð;er [to dealen us ant his luue. ah al þ;is] us haueð; igarc*. [Bodl. MS.] [ket ?;è;f we as treowe tresures witeð; wel his tresor þ;at is bitaht us to halden. as we schulen ful wel under his wengen. Warpeð; ut quoð; warschipe; farlac ure fa. nis nawt riht þ;at an hus halde þ;eos tweien. for þ;er as murð;es sonde is; ant soð; luue of eche lif. farlac is fleme. nu ut quoð; strenð;e farlac ne schaltu na lengere leuen in ure ende. nu quoð; ich seide for god al þ;at ich seide. ant þ;ah hit muri nere nes na lessere mi tale þ;en wes murhð;es sondes ne unbihefre to ow. þ;ah hit ne beo so licwurð;e ne icweme. Eið;er of ow haueð; his stunde to speokene. ne nis incker noð;res tale to schunien in his time. þ;u warnest of wa. he telleð; of wunne. muche neod is þ;at me ow ba ?;eornliche hercni. Flute nu farlac þ;ah. hwil liues luue is herinne. ant þ;ole wið; efne heorte þ;e dom of rihtwisnesse. for þ;u schal[t]. ful blið;eliche beon under-fon in as ofte as liues luue stinteð;*. [MS. stutteð;.] forto spekene. Nv is wil þ;at husewif al stille. þ;at er wes so willesful. Al ituht efter wittes wissunge þ;at is husebonde. ant Al þ;at hird halt him stille. þ;at wes i-wunet to beon fulitohen ant don efter wil hare lefdi. Ant nawt efter wit; lustneð; nu his lare. ant fondeð; euer euchan efter þ;at him limpeð; to. þ;urh þ;eos twa sonden. þ;at ha i-herd habbeð;. ant þ;at fowr sustren lerden þ;ruppe for euch unþ;eawes in?;ong his warde te witene. ant te warden treowliche. þ;vs ah mon te þ;enchen ofte Ant ilome. Ant wið; þ;ulliche þ;ohtes awec|chen his heorte. þ;e islep of ?;emeles for-?;et hire sawle heale. efter þ;eos twa sonden. From helle sihð;e biseon; to þ;e blisse of heouene. To habben farlac of þ;at an; luue toward þ;at oð;er. ant leaden him ant hinen. þ;at beoð; his limen alle. nawt efter wil þ;e untohe lefdi ant his lust leareð;. ah efter þ;at wit wule þ;at is husebonde tuhten ant teachen þ;at wit ga euer biuore ant teache wil efter him. to al þ;at he dihteð; ant demeð; to donne. ant wið; þ;e fowr sustren; þ;er fore þ;e fowr heued þ;eawes. War|schipe. Strencð;e in godd. Ant Með;. Ant Rihtwisnesse. witen godes treosor þ;at is his ahne sawle. iþ;e hus of þ;e bodi; from þ;e þ;eof of helle. þ;ulli þ;oht makeð; mon te fleon alle unþ;eawes ant ontent his heorte toward þ;e blisse of heouene. þ;at ure lauerd ?;eue us þ;urh his hali milce þ;at wið; þ;e feder. ant e sune ant e hali gast rixleð; in þ;reo had á; buten ende. AMEN.Par seinte charite biddeð; a pater noster for iohan þ;at þ;eos boc wrat.Hwa se þ;is writ haueð; ired. Ant crist him haueð; swa isped. Ich bidde par seinte charite. þ;et ?;e bidden ofte for me. Aa pater noster. ant aue marie. þ;et ich mote þ;at lif her drehen. Ant ure lauerd wel icwemen. I Mi ?;uheð;e ant in min elde. þ;et ich mote ihesu crist mi sawle ?;elden.] AMEN.